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During the last years I have participated in several and multidipliscinary projects as an ICT and TELL/CALL expert collaborating  with various affliliations.




Dates: 1/11/2014-Currently

Name and address of employer:

P.A.U  Education S.L. 

Muntaner 262, 08021 Barcelona, (Spain)

Phone: (34) 93.367.04.00

Fax: (34) 93.414.62.38

Type of business or sector:

International Private Company of Research and Education

Occupation or position held: Project coordinator, Educational Design Consultant, ICT Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:

Project: Education in the Digital Era,  

Client: European Comission-DG EAC,

Business Unit: Online Solutions 

  • Coordinator of the "Education in the Digital Era" online animators'  team.

  • Presenter of the online activities in the Education in the Digital Era conference. 

  • Coordinator of the #EdDigEra team's post activities (Webinars, blogposts, interviews,workshops etc.)

Project: Open Education Europa Portal 

Client: European Comission-DG EAC, 

Business Unit: Online Solutions 






Dates: 22/10/2014-Currently

Name and address of employer:

CONTA laboratories

University of Macedonia
156 Egnatia Avenue
Thessaloniki 54006
GreeceThessaloniki 56445 (Greece)

Type of business or sector:

Higher Education

Occupation or position held: Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:

1. Research on MOOCs

2. Greek Member of the Management Committee at the following COST Actions:



Dates: 12/2014 - Currently

Name and address of employer:

Active Citizens Partnership. 

25, Xenofontos ,   Sapes 69300,

Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki, (Greece)

Type of business or sector:

 NGO with focus on Research, Training and Education

Occupation or position held: Researcher/Trainer

Main activities and responsibilities:

Project: LangMOOC project, ERASMUS+

  • Member of the Project manager's team.

  • Scientific coordinator

  • Head Scientific Reseacher: coordinates all the Intellectual Outputs and the implementation activities that will be delivered during the 2 years project lifetime.                                                                                                           


Dates: 2009-2014

Name and address of employer:

Pontydysgu Ltd. (Bridge to Learning)

5, Courthouse, CF372LB Pontypridd (United Kingdom)

Type of business or sector:

Independent research and development organisation

Occupation or position held: Researcher/Trainer

Main activities and responsibilities:

  • Workshops' organiser: On line/ F2F Trainer of professional trainers of HRM on TEL, Blended Learning & Work based Learning topics focused on skills based on labour market needs

  • Author of articles related to TEL, Blended Learning & Work based Learning topics, keynote speaker, presenter of the project's research work in several International TEL conferences

  • Author of EU project proposals

  • Collaborator in other EU projects and Web 2.0 facilitator in international and European stakeholders’ meetings for example: Member of the Media Support Team of the European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2009, ECER 2010


  1. Keynote speakers' Interviewer

  2. Internet Radio co-presenter/producer

  3. Co-developer of media material






Dates: 01/03/2011 - 31/05/2012 

Name and address of employer:

‘Attiko’ Vocational Training Center

5, Roma, 10673 Athens (Greece)

Type of business or sector:

Vocational Training Center

Occupation or position held: Researcher

Main activities and responsibilities:

Work at the ‘Social Mobile Network to Enhance Community Building for adults’_SoMobNet': Informal Learning Project funded by EU. 


  • Co-organise the International  SoMobNet roundtable at the Institute of Education in London (UK) and have the role of the reporteur.

  • Support and disseminate the roundtable via facebook and other web 2.0 services.

  • Organise a desk top research using diigo and create folksonomies related to the following topics: Mobile Learning, Informal learning Community building, Adults' Learning,Work Based Learning,VET, Social tools and emerging technologies (methodologies/practices/apps/devices).

  • Review papers for the BJET – Special Issue on Social Networking and Mobile Learning.





Dates: 16/01/2012-16/01/2013

Name and address of employer:

Web2learn Ltd.

10, Kritis, Thessaloniki 56445 (Greece)

Type of business or sector:

Independent research and ICT consultancy company

Occupation or position held: Project manager assistant /Researcher/Trainer

Main activities and responsibilities:

1. Develop and mantain the company's website

2. Work at the “Web2LLP project” - Improving web strategies and maximizing social media presence of LLP projects having the role of :

a. project manager assistant

b. co-author of web2llp TEL handbooks  and developer of multimedia training material 

c. co-organiser of online training courses

d. Workshop organiser at TEL events (JTELSS13)



Name and address of employer:

University of Luxembourg,

162a, avenue de la Faïencerie

L-1511 Luxembourg

Type of business or sector:

Higher Education

Occupation or position held: 
Researcher/External Evaluator

Main activities and responsibilities:

Evaluate the “LANGUAGE LEARNING AND SOCIAL MEDIA – 6 Key dialogues” 3 years LLP KA2 EU project,  505107-LLP-1-2009-1-LU-KA2-KA2NW 

-screening all completed deliverables;

-screening all deliverables from the progress report until the end of the project;

-screening the progress report itself;

-drafting the final report;

-communication with the project management team throughout the project finalization.


Dates: 01/07/2010 - 15/09/2010 

Name and address of employer:


17 Grammou, 15235 Vrilissia 

Athens (Greece)

Type of business or sector:

An SME  specializing in knowledge management practices and services, promoting research and innovation in the agricultural domain. 

Occupation or position held: 

CALL Trainer (External collaborator) 

Main activities and responsibilities:


  • Work at the "LaProf Project": This is a Multilateral Project that aims to promote language awareness to immigrating workforces in ICT & agriculture.


  • Co organise and have the role of the head-trainer at the LaProf summer school on Integrating e-Learning and Web 2.0 into Language Teaching. My Presentations 1, 2 ,   LaProf Summer School


More info about the LaProf project and the  deliverables.










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