During the last years I have participated in several and multidipliscinary projects as an ICT and TELL/CALL expert collaborating with various affliliations.
Dates: 1/11/2014-Currently
Name and address of employer:
Muntaner 262, 08021 Barcelona, (Spain)
Phone: (34) 93.367.04.00
Fax: (34) 93.414.62.38
Type of business or sector:
International Private Company of Research and Education
Occupation or position held: Project coordinator, Educational Design Consultant, ICT Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities:
Project: Education in the Digital Era,
Client: European Comission-DG EAC,
Business Unit: Online Solutions
Coordinator of the "Education in the Digital Era" online animators' team.
Presenter of the online activities in the Education in the Digital Era conference.
Coordinator of the #EdDigEra team's post activities (Webinars, blogposts, interviews,workshops etc.)
Project: Open Education Europa Portal
Client: European Comission-DG EAC,
Business Unit: Online Solutions
OEE Editorial Team Member: Learning Technologist Consultant of the Open Education Europa Portal. (Content, publications, dissemination strategy, interviews, contacts, workshops etc)
Elearning papers Online Journal: Consultant, reviewer, Manager of the Elearning papers Linkedin group .
Dates: 22/10/2014-Currently
Name and address of employer:
University of Macedonia
156 Egnatia Avenue
Thessaloniki 54006
GreeceThessaloniki 56445 (Greece)
Type of business or sector:
Higher Education
Occupation or position held: Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities:
1. Research on MOOCs
2. Greek Member of the Management Committee at the following COST Actions:
IS1404 | Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation (E-READ) | 28 November 2014 - 27 November 2018.
Public Relations Manager: Social networking,publications, dissemination etc.
S1401 | Strengthening Europeans' capabilities by establishing the European literacy network | 22 October 2014 - 13 May 2018
Dates: 12/2014 - Currently
Name and address of employer:
25, Xenofontos , Sapes 69300,
Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki, (Greece)
Type of business or sector:
NGO with focus on Research, Training and Education
Occupation or position held: Researcher/Trainer
Main activities and responsibilities:
Project: LangMOOC project, ERASMUS+
Member of the Project manager's team.
Scientific coordinator
Head Scientific Reseacher: coordinates all the Intellectual Outputs and the implementation activities that will be delivered during the 2 years project lifetime.
Dates: 2009-2014
Name and address of employer:
Pontydysgu Ltd. (Bridge to Learning)
5, Courthouse, CF372LB Pontypridd (United Kingdom)
Type of business or sector:
Independent research and development organisation
Occupation or position held: Researcher/Trainer
Main activities and responsibilities:
Responsible researcher for the 'Webquest for HRM' project.
Author of the CBL Methodology,
Author of the CBL Manual
Workshops' organiser: On line/ F2F Trainer of professional trainers of HRM on TEL, Blended Learning & Work based Learning topics focused on skills based on labour market needs
Author of articles related to TEL, Blended Learning & Work based Learning topics, keynote speaker, presenter of the project's research work in several International TEL conferences
Author of EU project proposals
Collaborator in other EU projects and Web 2.0 facilitator in international and European stakeholders’ meetings for example: Member of the Media Support Team of the European Conference on Educational Research, ECER 2009, ECER 2010
Keynote speakers' Interviewer
Internet Radio co-presenter/producer
Co-developer of media material
Dates: 01/03/2011 - 31/05/2012
Name and address of employer:
‘Attiko’ Vocational Training Center
5, Roma, 10673 Athens (Greece)
Type of business or sector:
Vocational Training Center
Occupation or position held: Researcher
Main activities and responsibilities:
Work at the ‘Social Mobile Network to Enhance Community Building for adults’_SoMobNet': Informal Learning Project funded by EU.
Co-organise the International SoMobNet roundtable at the Institute of Education in London (UK) and have the role of the reporteur.
Support and disseminate the roundtable via facebook and other web 2.0 services.
Organise a desk top research using diigo and create folksonomies related to the following topics: Mobile Learning, Informal learning Community building, Adults' Learning,Work Based Learning,VET, Social tools and emerging technologies (methodologies/practices/apps/devices).
Review papers for the BJET – Special Issue on Social Networking and Mobile Learning.
Dates: 16/01/2012-16/01/2013
Name and address of employer:
10, Kritis, Thessaloniki 56445 (Greece)
Type of business or sector:
Independent research and ICT consultancy company
Occupation or position held: Project manager assistant /Researcher/Trainer
Main activities and responsibilities:
1. Develop and mantain the company's website
2. Work at the “Web2LLP project” - Improving web strategies and maximizing social media presence of LLP projects having the role of :
a. project manager assistant
b. co-author of web2llp TEL handbooks and developer of multimedia training material
c. co-organiser of online training courses
d. Workshop organiser at TEL events (JTELSS13)
Name and address of employer:
University of Luxembourg,
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
Type of business or sector:
Higher Education
Occupation or position held:
Researcher/External Evaluator
Main activities and responsibilities:
Evaluate the “LANGUAGE LEARNING AND SOCIAL MEDIA – 6 Key dialogues” 3 years LLP KA2 EU project, 505107-LLP-1-2009-1-LU-KA2-KA2NW
-screening all completed deliverables;
-screening all deliverables from the progress report until the end of the project;
-screening the progress report itself;
-drafting the final report;
-communication with the project management team throughout the project finalization.
Dates: 01/07/2010 - 15/09/2010
Name and address of employer:
17 Grammou, 15235 Vrilissia
Athens (Greece)
Type of business or sector:
An SME specializing in knowledge management practices and services, promoting research and innovation in the agricultural domain.
Occupation or position held:
CALL Trainer (External collaborator)
Main activities and responsibilities:
Work at the "LaProf Project": This is a Multilateral Project that aims to promote language awareness to immigrating workforces in ICT & agriculture.
Co organise and have the role of the head-trainer at the LaProf summer school on Integrating e-Learning and Web 2.0 into Language Teaching. My Presentations 1, 2 , LaProf Summer School
More info about the LaProf project and the deliverables.